The Expo Line, L.A.’s newest light rail system, is a big step closer to actually carrying passengers. According to KPCC News, it will begin its final testing phase next Monday, Jan. 30.
When it’s ready to roll, the Expo Line will take people from downtown L.A. to Culver City. Riders will be able to connect with other Metro lines at 7th Street/Metro Center station in downtown L.A.
Art Leahy, CEO of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, says that the final phase will feature a higher volume of traffic in order to simulate normal service.
“That’ll help train operators [to] acquaint themselves with the new track,” said Leahy, “while nearby communities get used to the new trains.”
As cited by KPCC, when Metro opened the Gold Line’s Eastside extension, final testing took about a month.
If that’s the case with Expo, Angelenos could find themselves on a train to the Westside as early as March.
Hi! I do enjoy reading your online paper. I did notice today that the Expo article above is word-for-word (and same photo) as the one that’s on KPCC. I’m thrilled you are covering the Expo news. I just hoped you’d reference your sources.
Thanks and I would have sent you a private note, but I didn’t see the option on your site.
Bronwyn Jamrok
Thanks for the nudge. The edits that cited KPCC were not “saved” in the second “scoop” so they have been re-added…and saved. And yes, technical errors are still no excuse for poor etiquette. Mea Culpa – and thanks for reading. Take me to task anytime.
Private correspondence can be sent to [email protected]
Judith Martin-Straw
Almost to the Westside. La Cienega, right? Culver City hopefully by fall.