Yes, the Culver City Sanitation Dept. is picking up Christmas trees. No, you do not have to chop it up and put it in the green bin. Just take the tree out to the curb and leave it with your other trash – recycling and green waste – and be patient. There is one truck that is combing the city for trees ( or former trees, as the case may be) and will pick them up as soon as possible. If you feel your tree has been waiting too long (more than a few days) just call the Sanitation Dept. at (310) 253-6400 and give them your address. Remember, these folks start the day early, so they end early too – call before 3 p.m. and you can talk to one of the staff. After that, it’s time to leave a message.
Editor’s Note- Yahoo groups are not a source of news. They are a great source of communication, community and commentary, but not reliable facts. I am posting this today to correct a bit of misinformation I have heard from seven people. Now, they all know where to get news, and what to do with the former tree. ( And imagine if this rumor had to do with something more crucial than sanitation policy ….) Happy January!
One source: http://www.culvercitynews.org/latest-news/curbside-collection-of-christmas-trees-cancelled/
Nothing obvious on City website and it should be front page. Searched al the links on the home page including: http://www.culvercity.org/Government/PublicWorks/EnvironmentalPrograms.aspx
Found this only after doing a City website search:
Culver City residents with curbside recycling service may place their cut-up tree in the yard waste collection container. Please remove tinsel, ornaments, and stands from the tree.
Remember, it is unlawful and a serious fire hazard to leave unwanted
trees at the curb or in the alleys for an extended period of time. For more information please call the Refuse and Recycling Customer Service Office at (310) 253-6400.
What is confusing is the “may” and the “it is unlawful and a serious fire hazard to leave unwanted
trees at the curb or in the alleys for an extended period of time”. The two together sounds like no curb whole tree pick-up.
Last week I saw the truck picking up. They compact them in the one rear loading truck the City has. It compacts in the truck. They take them to the transfer station were they are transferred to a container were they are given to another company. We no longer use a chipper to grind them up in Culver City. The company sends Culver City a check and the City doesn’t have to grind them up.
source of City Christmas Tree Info: http://www.culvercity.org/~/media/4CAA4D8DE82A4787B931972247A91E83.ashx
So… ours has been curbside for 4 days now. I’m confused. Do we cut it up or not? Guess we’ll call….
Call the number in the post and request a pick-up. They will come.