Green Home – Workshop on Energy Upgrade

The Sierra Club’s Angeles Chapter Foundation presents “The Green Home Focus” with information that will save you money and provides a healthier environment. Learn about Energy Upgrade California, Transition Culver City, and Livingreen! Sunday, November 20 from 2:00-5:00 pm at Culver City’s Veterans Memorial Auditorium in the Garden Room, 4117 Overland Ave. You & Your Neighbors are cordially invited to join us at a free, informative, friendly community presentation featuring Energy Upgrade California’s Whole House Solution!

Learn ways to provide  for your Home through “Energy Upgrade California in Los Angeles County” with up to $8000 in cash incentives. • Meet some of the Contractors with the Energy Upgrade California program;  Enter to win a coupon worth $100’s of dollars off toward your Home Assessment Test! • Meet local businesses, organizations and homeowners who are environmentally conscious • Go on a “Tour” of environmental partners locations • Networking and breakout sessions for more Q & A • Prizes and more! • Light Refreshments Served

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