Chardiet Gets Another Endorsement – and Coffee, AND Dessert

The Committee On Political Education (COPE) from the American Federation of Labor has endorsed Laura Chardiet for CCUSD School Board.

Candidates must go through a thorough process before receiving this labor endorsement. They must receive support from a local union, respond to a questionnaire and then undergo an interview before a large panel.

Laura Chardiet is proud to have their support.

This Sunday,
October 2, from 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Jim Harris and Nomi Roth will host a coffee for Laura Chardiet on at The Studio Village Clubhouse, 5215 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City.

Also on Sunday, October 2, Marla Wolkowitz and Madeline Ehrlich will host a dessert and coffee for Laura Chardiet from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the home of Marla Wolkowitz, 10811 Ocean Dr., Culver City.

Please come to meet the candidate and join in the conversation.

The Actors' Gang

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