Terry Keelan runs. He also bikes, and practices yoga. Not just for his own heath, but for yours, too.
Terry runs for Insulindependence, a group started about five years ago by Peter Nerothin, a Type 1 diabetic who enjoys an active outdoor life. The goal of Insulindpendence is to revolutionize diabetes management through exercise and physical activity. Rather than searching for a cure, Insulindpendence is teaching people how to live with what they’ve got.
Insulindependence sponsors four clubs. Terry offered,”I’m active in Glucomotive which is focused on walking and running. Triabetes is a club for triathletes, A1Sea is for people involved in water sports, and Testing Limits is an outdoor adventure club. Club captains sponsor monthly activities, known as Dawn Phenomenon, an athletic and a social event, and act as ambassadors.”
With diabetes continuing to rack up frightening statistics as one of the nation leading health crises, this is an organization that can probably work for someone you know. “By far one of the most exciting parts of the Insulindendence organization is its youth mentoring program, ” Terry enthused, “which teams a pre-teen or teenage diabetic with an adult diabetic athlete who will act as a role model and even help the younger diabetic achieve a physical goal. This could be anything from running on a regular basis to finishing a triathlon.”
The group was recently featured on dLife TV. Two video sites showcasing the work of Insulindependence are its YouTube channel, InsulindependenceTV and a series of short films at Give it a Shot Films.
How did Terry get started with this cause? “I became a runner seven years ago when I was first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I trained for my first marathon with a charity which was a worthy cause, but I had no personal connection to it. So I began searching for a group that supported something with personal meaning for me. That’s when I found Insulindependence. I’ve been raising funds for them ever since 2009. This year I joined them at the Carlsbad Marathon where i socialized and ran with a hundred other diabetic athletes. it was an inspiring experience. It was like coming home. So this year I applied to become a Team Captain and was lucky enough to be accepted. So, along with my fundraising activities, look for me to be sponsoring Dawn Phenomenon Run/Walks in Culver City in the coming year and a half.
Now is the time; if you are interested in sponsoring Terry or finding out more about Insulindepence, go to Donate to Insulindependence or Terry’s personal email [email protected].
How many people do you know who live with diabetes? Finding a cure is ideal. Dealing with reality is vital.
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