The artist- gathering website Argot & Ochre has a great perspective on last weekend’s Culver City Car Show. Check out the post on The Aesthetics of Classic Cars by Daniel Rolnik and cruise through the fantastic photo section. We don’t have to see them as gasoline sucking monsters; consider it history on wheels.
From Rolnik, “Whether it be a car, bus, or bicycle, most of us drive a piece of art everyday without thinking about it. In Culver City, the annual George Barris Cruisin’ Back to the 50′s Car Show went down on May 7th, showcasing hundreds of vehicles. Each car’s personality was shining through, from old-school family wagons to cocaine speed-demons.”
With street art becoming the ubiquitous mode, why not consider the art that’s parked on the street? What does your vehicle say about you ? (I’d make a friendly bet that I’m driving the oldest junker in Sunkist Park; but my girlfriends tell me my car just makes me look like the hippie mom they know I am. I’d bet the stereo is worth more than the engine. Maybe it’s time for a new bumper sticker “It’s not just a red wreck, it’s an aesthetic.”
Check out the fun photos at argotandochre.com/2011/05/the-aesthetics-of-classic-cars/
Thanks to Laura Stuart for the info.
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