Hungry for that feeling of community ?
What better way to start your weekend than with a big plate of pancakes to benefit some at-risk kids? The Rotary Club of Culver City offers up their Third Annual Pancake Breakfast as a benefit for the Culver City Juvenile Diversion Program. Tim Messmer, the secretary of the Rotary, enthused about what the funds will do for the program. “The money we raise will help pay for camp, will help pay for the graduation dinner at the end of the year; even just something a small as getting some healthy snacks like fruit and water for the kids while they are in working out, it really can make a difference.” The Juvenile Program not only helps the kids with issues, it helps the whole family. Messmer added “While the kids are getting help, like tutoring and counseling, the parents are getting counseling services too. We’re trying to give them the answers that they didn’t have, to get them whatever was missing, so that everyone can do better on down the road.” With the Rotary Club Motto ‘Service Above Self’ putting all those volunteers with spatulas and aprons at you service, know that you are buying a lot more than a plate of pancakes.
Come to Helms Field, at the entrance at Huron & Braddock from 8 to 11 a.m., with an empty stomach and a full wallet.
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