Ready for some fun? Click your calendar for a fundraising night featuring live jazz music by The Chaille Percival Quartet and all the Great Food and Drink you love at Kay ‘N Dave’s Cantina. Money raised will help the non-profit, Culver City Great Parks Association (CCGP) aid the city in its planned 2010 construction of a playground appropriate for children of all ages at Veterans Park. Children are welcome. Be there on Thursday, June 10, from 7-10 p.m. at Kay ‘n Dave’s Cantina 9341 Culver Blvd. No cover- Kay ‘n Dave will donate e 20% of the bill to Culver City Great Parks for any patrons that mention Culver City Great Parks Association.
You can even get 2 hour free parking in parking structure across the street.
Why should you jump in? The Culver City Great Parks Association is a community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the physical appearance and functionality of our parks. Veterans’ Memorial Park, commonly known to residents as Vets’ Park, is a centrally-located, 11-acre park that is home to many community activities. Based on the high use of the playground and community input encouraging the installation of equipment for older children, in 2008 the Culver City Council identified the Vets’ Park playground as a priority project and the City Council later allocated funding to support its refurbishment. In December 2009, CCGP and the city partnered at Build-Day to help construct new playground equipment for children ages 5-12 at Vets’ Park. The addition of a new toddler play area will realize the first phases in creating a vibrant new playground at Vets’ Park.
The improvements to Vets’ Park are only the beginning. CCGP invites Culver City residents to support their own local park or playground by forming their own FAN Club (Friends And Neighbors of _____ Park). CCGP will act as the IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) organization for partnering with fan clubs to raise money through, and can provide additional support through its relationship with the city.
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