Culver City’s Got Talent – Louis Durra – Video

Culver City Crossroads got to talk with musician and composer Louis Durra about his newest project; a year @ piano. Durra is a resident of Culver City and an artist with an international reputation who is always looking to expand the boundaries of his compositions. His plan to post a new piece of music every week for 52 weeks, available online for fan and subscribers, is a joint venture with Kickstarter.

Titles for the tunes post so far include; 9/11 @Piano, Brazilian Hiphop, Viral Videos, The BP Oil Spill, Lowriders, Teenagers @Piano, Muezzins, Bob Dylan, Eyjafjatajokull, Drug Culture, Autism and  Turntablists.

Durra notes ” I have really interesting, articulate fans. When people have liked the music, and seen that I was interested in their ideas about it, they’ve wanted to involve themselves – mostly by voicing their opinions, but sometimes also through terrific generosity of time and attention. It’s a two-way street; I really appreciate them.”

Pledges to “A Year @Piano” will equip a project studio, making it possible to give back to the community by recording groups, and thus employing more musicians. All music will be sent in mp3 format easily played or made into an audio CD with any laptop or desktop computer.

Stay connected and send your comments. You may find you’ve even inspired a tune.

To catch Louis performing live with his trio, head to the South Beverly Grill in Beverly Hills, 122 S. Beverly Dr. (off Wilshire) 310-550-0242 for info.
You can also find Louis on YouTube, and iTunes. His discography (do we still can them that? ) includes Dreaming, What We Have, and Live with the Louis Durra Trio.

The Actors' Gang

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