The Skinny by Amy Brunell

The Skinny – Amy Brunell

Perhaps goal setting should be changed to “focus setting” or “focus intention” since to accomplish any goal we have to ask ourselves, “Where is my focus? Who or what receives my attention?” If you have …[READ MORE]

The Skinny by Amy Brunell

The Skinny – Amy Brunell

We are in the season of madness. Everyone, everywhere shopping, driving, doing, doing, doing. Sure, let’s miss our holiday to spend the night camped out on the sidewalk, and break windows (3rd Street Promenade’s Urban …[READ MORE]

The Skinny by Amy Brunell

The Skinny – Amy Brunell

Being Bullied as an Adult — Recently a story regarding newswoman Jennifer Livingston, became national news when she responded on television to address a man who had attacked her via email about her weight. ( …[READ MORE]

The Skinny by Amy Brunell

The Skinny – Amy Brunell

Taking Inventory of Your Emotional Toolbox — What is an Emotional toolbox? These are your inner resources to help you cope well when things are difficult. Notice I didn’t say just “cope.” I said, “cope …[READ MORE]